Our Mission
The International Alliance for the Protection of Parrots is a partnership of rescue and conservation organizations, veterinarians and activists working to end the global trade in parrots through education, advocacy, legislation and activism.
Together we strive to end the breeding and sale of parrots in captivity, stop the extraction of parrots from the wild, and promote a vision of unconditional solidarity with life on this planet.

Act Now!
Adopt, don't shop! If you're interested in becoming a parrot owner, adopt one from a sanctuary. Don't buy a parrot from a shop or breeder.
Support parrot conservation. Donate funds and/or your time to parrot conservation nonprofits and amplify both their challenges and successes on social media.
Learn more about wild and captive parrots and review our Resources to learn how you can help them.
If you'd like to join our movement and stay up-to-date on our advocacy efforts or events, Pledge to Protect Parrots and subscribe to our action alerts (below)!
National and international demand for parrots for the wildlife trade and other purposes negatively impacts wild populations as well as individual parrots, with devastating consequences. We need a global consensus to decrease the demand for keeping parrots as pets by affirming that birds should fly free and not be held in captive situations.
Parrots are not exclusive in their suffering. The global trade in wildlife harms countless species and perpetuates the destruction of natural ecosystems and Indigenous cultures worldwide. We invite organizations and individuals attuned to wildlife welfare and conservation to embrace our vision and make it their own.​