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Image by Berend Leupen

Save Parrots. Save People. Save the Planet.

2024 Parrot Crisis Summit

Oct 4, 11am-3pm EDT & Oct 5, 2-6pm EDT
Free & Virtual

Too many parrots suffer in captivity. Wild parrot populations are endangered around the world. Let's stop the global parrot trade. Now.

Join the International Alliance for the Protection of Parrots for a free, virtual summit that will connect parrot conservationists, veterinarians, rescue organizations, animal rights and welfare advocates, students and parrot enthusiasts from across the globe to advance the goal of stopping the international parrot trade.


We aim to curb demand for parrots as pets by highlighting the many harms wrought on animals, people, and ecosystems by both the illegal and legal parrot trade. We will also discuss pathways forward for our community to navigate this crisis, with a focus on how to change the perception of parrots living with humans as well as the pet trade.


This event will include presentations and panel discussions, but will provide a platform for connection and dialogue. The IAPP intends for this event to serve as a springboard for a strengthened network of organizations and individuals concerned with stopping the trapping, trafficking, sale, and purchase of parrots.

Oct 4, 2024

One Flock: Why the Parrot Trade Harms
Wild and Captive Parrots

11:00am | Welcome by Karen Windsor

11:05am | Opening Remarks by Dr. LoraKim Joyner

11:20am | The Harm to Parrots in the Wild
Kurt Duchez, Juan Carlos Cantu, Bonnie Zimmerman
Facilitated by Dr. LoraKim Joyner

12:40pm | Messages from the Field

12:50pm | The Harm to Parrots in Captivity​

Liz Cabrera Holtz, Amanda Coleman, Dr. Diana Pesole

Facilitated by Dr. Anthony Pilny

2:10pm | Break

2:15pm | Breakout Groups

2:45pm | Closing Remarks by Dr. LoraKim Joyner

Oct 5, 2024

One World: Why the Parrot Trade
Harms People and Ecosystems

2:00pm | Welcome by Nedda, Nirvana Birds

2:05pm | Opening Remarks by Dr. Lori Gruen

2:20pm | The Harm to Peoples Where Parrots Live​

Hector Orlando Portillo Reyes, Janet Trumbule, Irene-Rose Madindou, Dr. Lori Gruen
Facilitated by Gail Koelln

3:40pm | Messages from the Field

3:50pm | The Harm to Ecosystems & the Climate​

Lisa Paravisini-Gebert, Dr. David Vergara-Tabares, Dr. Pat Latas, Katherine Renton

Facilitated by Dr. LoraKim Joyner

5:10pm | Break

5:15pm | Breakout Groups

5:45pm | Closing Remarks by Dr. LoraKim Joyner

Trees and Mountains

Spread the Word!

We encourage you to share this event with your networks. Attached below are graphics which anyone may upload to their website, include in an eblast or share on social media.

Register Now

Register now to reserve your spot, stay up-to-date, and receive the Zoom link to attend.

Thanks for submitting! We'll be in touch with more details including a Zoom link soon.

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© 2024 by the IAPP

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